Frequency Inverter, AC Drive, Variable Speed Drive, Adjustable Speed Drive, Frequency Converter, VFD, VSD, Adjustable Frequency Drive, AFD, ASD, AC Motor Drive, Frequency Changers, Inverter, Biến tần, frequenzwandler, Azionamenti, Преобразователи частоты, приводов переменного тока, falowniki, frequentie regelaars, frequentieregelaars, convertisseur frequence, variateur frequence, Frequenzumrichter, convertitore frequenza, Inversores Frequência, ווסתי מהירות, محول تردد, اینورتر, Vectör Sürücüler
Variable Frequency Drives – Planning your system
Many irrigation districts are demanding of the motor because of
installing Variable Frequency the electrical distortions they cause.
Drives (VFDs) to increase their To determine if a motor is
level of service to their customers appropriate for a VFD retrofit, a
and/or to reduce their energy Meggar test is used. A Meggar test
consumption. measures the resistance between
However, not all VFDs are the the motor windings and ground.
same. The performance quality of This resistance is a measure of the
a VFD will depend on the condition of the motor winding
characteristics of the particular insulation. If the resistance is over
VFD, as well as how the VFD (about) 300,000 ohms and the
system is set up. Many times it is installation criteria described above
the seemingly small details that are followed, then the motor is
will have a large impact on probably OK for the VFD retrofit.
performance in the long run. This If the resistance is less than
brochure is intended to help 300,000 ohms then the motor
irrigation districts properly should be “dipped and baked” to
evaluate what type of VFD they renew the winding insulation. One
need and how to install it. cautionary note – if the motor has
Attending to the details outlined been idle for a long time – several
here will increase the efficiency weeks or more – then the motor
and life of your VFD system. should be run long enough to bring
it up to operating temperature and
Before You Buy kept there for an hour or more
before conducting the Meggar test.
Retrofitting VFDs to existing This is because dust and moisture
motors can collect in the windings during
In general, existing motors in idle periods. Running the motor
good condition can be retrofitted drives off the moisture and “blows”
with VFDs. There are, however, loose dust from the windings.
some limitations. The motor Moisture and dust in the windings
windings must be in good will provide false low values when
condition. VFDs are more performing a Meggar test.
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Variable Frequency Drives – Planning Your System ITRC Report No. 02-009
Automating with a VFD condition of maximum load. For a centrifugal
For pipelines, an internal PID controller is pump, maximum load is usually the maximum
often sufficient. Canals are special and flow rate/minimum TDH condition. For an axial
generally require a separate PLC in an RTU to flow pump (propeller pump), maximum load is
apply more sophisticated control algorithms. usually the zero flow/maximum head condition.
Modeling of a canal system is required to select Consult the pump’s curve to determine the
the proper control algorithm constants. actual maximum loading condition.
The RTU must automate both the VFD and Other factors also impact the horsepower
the other pumps that operate in parallel with the rating of the VFD compared to the motor
VFD. horsepower. Among these factors are altitude,
The pump to automate with a VFD (in a air temperature, and the cleanliness of the motor,
location with multiple pumps supplying the drive and appurtenances. Consult the VFD
same pipeline) is the smallest which will meet manufacturer to determine how VFDs are
both of the following criteria: impacted by these conditions.
¾ (Flow Rate of the VFD pump) + (Sum of the
flow rates of all the smaller pumps) must be
greater than or equal to the flow rate of the
next bigger pump
¾ The flow rate of no single speed pump can
exceed the combined flow of all pumps that
are smaller than it – including the pump with
the VFD at full speed.
Choosing the Right Size of VFD
VFDs are typically classified by
horsepower. However, the size of VFD
necessary is probably larger than the size of the
motor being controlled by the VFD. This is for
two reasons. First, a motor can produce more
than its rated horsepower. It is not unusual for a
motor to produce up to 15% over the rated shaft
horsepower by utilizing the motor’s service
factor. Second, the VFD is rated by its output
horsepower, which is the input horsepower to
the motor. The input horsepower is the motor’s It is important to know how to specify the
shaft horsepower divided by the motor performance of what is inside the VFD panel.
efficiency. Patterson ID.
For example, a motor with a 100 horsepower
output rating and a motor efficiency of 93% that What to Expect from the
is being used at the limit of a 1.15 service factor Manufacturer
would require a VFD with an output of 124
horsepower. This is 24% over the nominal Technical Specifications
motor horsepower rating. A 125 HP VFD The Variable Frequency Drive (VFD)
would be marginal in this case, for the 100 HP should be microprocessor-based inverter logic
motor. isolated from power circuits, with a Buffered
For VFD retrofits to existing motors, the Pulse Width Modulated (BPWM) output
best way to determine the required size of a waveform using 4th generation Insulated Gate
VFD is to measure the electrical current and Bipolar Transistors (IGBT) technology. The
voltage supplied to the existing motor under VFD package should be completely assembled
actual working conditions that include the and tested by the manufacturer. The VFD
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Variable Frequency Drives – Planning Your System ITRC Report No. 02-009
should employ a full wave rectifier, DC link ¾ Output Frequency
reactor, capacitors, and fourth generation IGBT ¾ Motor Speed (RPM, % or
as the output switching device. The drive Engineering units)
efficiency must be 97% or better at full speed ¾ Motor Current
and full load. Displacement power factor must ¾ Output Voltage
be between 100% and 95% lagging at all speeds ¾ Elapsed time meter
and loads. 11. Speed command input made by the
The VFD should have the following following:
capabilities: ¾ Keypad
¾ Local Manual Potentiometer
1. Automatic restart after an overcurrent,
¾ 4-20 madc input
overvoltage, undervoltage, or loss of input
12. I/O Communications for network
signal protective trip. – The number of
communication with the PLC. – The PLC
restart attempts, trial time, and time between
protocol will be Modbus.
reset attempts should be programmable.
2. An anti-back spin device to prevent the
pump from starting while it is rotating in the Operation and Maintenance Manuals
reverse direction. Operation and Maintenance manuals must
3. Control logic ride-through in the event of be provided with each VFD. They should
power outages up to 2 seconds in duration. include the following:
4. A 3-position Hand-Off-Auto (HOA) switch
and speed potentiometer. – When in “Hand”, ¾ Spare parts listing; source and current prices
the VFD will be manually started, and the of replacement parts and supplies, including
speed will be controlled from the speed recommended spare parts to be pre-
potentiometer. When in “OFF”, the VFD purchased by the district after the warranty
will be stopped. When in “Auto”, the VFD
will start via an external signal from a PLC, ¾ Recommended maintenance and repair
and its speed will be controlled via PLC procedures and intervals. Include
communications. For units with bypass dimensioned as-built drawings
capability, a 3-position Drive-Off-Bypass ¾ Test and Calibration procedures
switch is required. ¾ Recommended cleaning methods
5. The rating of the drive should allow for ¾ Instructions for troubleshooting diagnostics
100% continuous operation, and operation ¾ Wiring diagrams
with an overload current of 120% for one ¾ Full compliment of user instruction
6. Input line fuses standard in the drive
enclosure. Warranty
7. Optimized for a 2kHz carrier (switching) Warranty should be 24 months from the date
frequency. – The carrier frequency should of first successful start-up, not to exceed 30
be adjustable to a minimum of 8kHz. The months from the date of shipment. The warranty
carrier frequency should be adjusted to the must include all parts, labor, travel time, and
minimum frequency that eliminates audible expenses.
“hums” in the motor and drive.
8. At least 12 Pulse operation. – The number of Installing the VFD
pulses should be selectable.
The Contractor should Specify in the Bid
9. Both volts per Hertz and “Sensorless
Vector” operation. – The operating mode • The maximum overvoltage and undervoltage
should be “Sensorless Vector” operation prior to trip
10. Standard operating information on the VFD • Maximum overcurrent capacity prior to trip
digital display: • Maximum transient protection
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Variable Frequency Drives – Planning Your System ITRC Report No. 02-009
Installation and Operation All wires must be individually numbered or
To minimize the negative impacts of VFDs, labeled at both ends.
several steps should be followed. The disconnect handle should be a thru-the
door type, and be lockable in the “Off”
Keep the cables connecting the VFD to the
position using a padlock
motor as short as practical.
Surge Protection on the incoming power
o Cable length can be as long as 100 feet.
lines must be provided
However, shorter cables mean less EMI
Stainless Steel Door Nameplate
and RFI and potentially less motor heat.
Space heater for winter to prevent
o If a cable is over 40 feet long then condensation
“inductor duty” motors should be
Weatherproof and dust/insect-proof
specified – particularly if the motor enclosure
voltage is 460 Volt or higher.
Fluorescent light (external mounting)
Provide shielding, like metallic conduit, for
VFD panel cooling
motor cables.
¾ Water cooling using process water and
Adjust the carrier frequency so that it is high
heat exchanger with an internal fan is
enough to eliminate any objectionable hum.
acceptable only if water temperature is
However, keep the carrier frequency on the
below 60°F the year-round. The water-
low side. A carrier frequency between 4
cooling heat exchanger for the panel
kHz and 6 kHz will typically eliminate the
must be equipped with a large capacity
hum and keep the motor temperature issues
water filter having automatic flushing.
to a minimum.
¾ Outside air cannot be introduced into the
Measure the EMI and RFI generated by the
panel for cooling purposes.
installation. If the interference exceeds
¾ Refrigeration cooling is almost always
limits defined by IEEE 519-1992 then install
¾ Calculations are required to demonstrate
that cooling is adequate during
Conditioning of Incoming Power
“historically hottest days”
A self-contained control power transformer
GFI receptacle (external mounting)
must be supplied to feed the GFI, controls, and
Shading of the panel from direct sunlight
light. The RTU must have an isolated,
conditioned power supply and battery backup.
Harmonic filters must be provided for each
leg of incoming power of the VFD.
If the VFD is to be installed on an
ungrounded Delta system, then a 3 phase, Delta
to Wye isolation transformer, electrostatically
shielded, should be installed before the VFD
with the WYE grounded with an individual
grounding rod.
Lightening Protection
Recommendations of the NEMA Standard
No. ICS7 should be followed.
Required Accessories
All external interlocks and start/stop
contacts must remain fully functional A new air conditioned enclosure for a VFD
whether the drive is in Hand, Auto or application at South San Joaquin ID.
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Variable Frequency Drives – Planning Your System ITRC Report No. 02-009
Abbreviations This information was developed under the PIER
End Use Agricultural Sector Program,
BPWM – Buffered Pulse Width Modulated administered by the California Energy
EEPROM – Electrically Erasable Programmable Commission. It does not necessarily represent
Read Only Memory the views of the Energy Commission, its
HOA – Hand-Off-Auto (switch) employees, or the State of California. The
IGBT – Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors Commission, the State of California, Cal Poly,
IHP – Input horsepower, the electric horsepower ITRC, their employees, contractors, and
delivered to the motor. The motor’s shaft subcontractors make no warranty, express or
horsepower is the input horsepower times implied, and assume no legal liability for the
the motor efficiency. information in this report; nor does any party
madc – milliamps direct current represent that the use of this information will not
MCC – Motor Control Center infringe upon privately owned rights.
OIT – Operator Interface Terminal
PCC – Point of Common Coupling
PID – Proportional/Integral/Differential
“equation” used to get “process value” to
converge on setpoint in the minimum
number of tries
PLC – Programmable Logic Controller
PWM – Pulse Width Modulated
RTU – Remote Terminal Unit
TDH – Total Dynamic Head of a Pump
THD – Total Harmonic Distortion
VFD – Variable Frequency Drive
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